Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Comedy Countdown #14: Sam Kinison

Sam Kinison was a true comedy legend and is widely recognized as the second funniest person ever born in Yakima,WA. You should know him as one of the founders of modern stand-up comedy or the short fat guy who yells a lot. Sam Kinison died in 1992 when a drunk 17 year old kid hit his car. This is somewhat ironic due to the very pro drinking and driving stance he took in his stand-up. These shitty youtube clips do not do him justice whatsoever, but if you are comedy fan you owe it to yourself to check out Sam Kinison. If you want to learn more check out ( or (

(Kinison's 1st Letterman appearance)

(Sam's Stand-up and his weird 80's rock song)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This blog sucks now.